Cultivating Will Power January 14, 2025Alyssa Melody In the TCM cosmology, the season of Winter is governed by the spiritual archetype of Zhi (Will-Power), the antidote to the Fear that can otherwise run rampant during this time...
The Bladder: Tending to Our Waterways this Winter January 10, 2025Alyssa Melody Winter is the most Yin time of year, associated with the element of Water, as well as the organs of the Kidney and Bladder—both of which play a key role...
Hold Your Tongue: TCM Diagnostics January 06, 2025Alyssa Melody Tongue diagnosis is an integral part of TCM, providing valuable and holistic insights into a person’s current state of overall health. Viewed as a microcosm of the entire body, the...
Emotional Eating: A TCM Perspective December 23, 2024Alyssa Melody There’s an undeniable relationship between emotions and eating habits, which we can observe in the reaching for comfort foods during stressful times or perhaps the loss of appetite when grieving....
The Kidneys, our Roots December 13, 2024Alyssa Melody TCM regards the Kidneys as the root of life, holding the Jing (essence) that governs growth, reproduction, and longevity. In Chinese medicine, all disease can be traced to the Kidneys,...
The Gut-Brain Axis in TCM December 06, 2024Alyssa Melody TCM has long recognized a connection between the digestive system and the mind, which aligns closely with our modern understanding of the gut-brain axis. This bidirectional communication network between the...
Sperm Health as a Vital Sign November 08, 2024Alyssa Melody In TCM, we place great importance on fertility as an essential component of vibrant health, indicating the optimal function of—and smooth coordination amongst—many bodily systems. An important aspect of male...
The Six External Pathogenic Forces October 30, 2024Alyssa Melody As a truly holistic approach to healing, TCM has comprehensive frameworks for tracing the interconnections between the state of our bodies and the conditions of our environment. Highlighting the ways...
The Large Intestine for Multifaceted Metabolic Regulation October 25, 2024Alyssa Melody During this time of year, there is ample focus on respiratory health, but in TCM Autumn corresponds to the Lungs and the Large Intestine—an organ crucial for maintaining the body's...
Bridging the Ancient and Modern: TCM Support for IVF October 16, 2024Alyssa Melody In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an increasingly common assisted reproduction therapy (ART) employed by couples who face challenges in conceiving, but this process can bring its own physical, emotional, and...
Autumn: Spice Up Your Life October 09, 2024Alyssa Melody The Five Elements framework is one of the foundational keys underpinning TCM cosmology, offering a comprehensive guide to the interplay of the essential elemental energies that shape our lives. These...
Tending to Emergent Grief October 07, 2024Alyssa Melody In TCM, grief is closely connected to the Lungs and the Metal element that rule during the season of Autumn. As such, it can be quite common to face emergent...